
Quick Start Guide

Have a Marketo email you need to make, but don't know where to start? Check out this quick start guide to get going.

Creating an email within Marketo

  1. Get access to Marketo: Contact Linnea for an invite.
  2. Navigate to the Emails folder: Emails are stored in Design Studio > Emails
  3. Here's how emails are organized:
    • Uncategorized emails
    • Global Emails
      • Alerts
      • Customer Marketing
      • Nurture
      • Resource Downloads
      • Web Lead Emails
  4. Create a New Email: Right click on the appropriate folder for your email. Select "New Email" from the menu.
  5. Choose a template: Enter a name. Click "My Templates" and click the appropriate template for your email. Click "Create"
  6. Edit the email
    • Editing content (text and images)
      • Hover your mouse over the email. Editable sections become surrounded by a box with dotted blue lines.
      • Click the item you want to edit.
      • Click the gear icon. Choose Edit from the menu. Also notice the item will appear in the Content tab. You can alternatively choose editable areas from there.
      • A modal window will appear and you can edit the text or image there. Don't change the formating; all of that has already been carefully defined in the template.
    • Editing modules (modular chunks which can be rearranged, duplicated, and deleted)
      • You can access modules by hovering over them or choosing them from the Modules tab.
      • Click the module you want to edit.
      • Click the gear icon. From the menu, you can choose to move the module up, move it down, duplicate it, or delete it.
  7. Test it: Click Email Actions in the menu. Choose Send Sample. In the Send To field, add the email address you'd like to send the email to. You can also check the box for sending a text-only version.
  8. Approve it: Click Email Actions in the menu. Choose Approve and Close. This turns the draft into an approved email.
  9. TBD: More steps here; not sure what - need to ask Linnea what comes next in the workflow.

Creating a Marketo template

  1. Get access to Marketo: Contact Linnea for an invite. Marketo's account permission settings are quite granular, so it's important to note you'll need access to the Design Studio Module as well as permission to approve templates (in order to test out their functionality in a text email).
  2. Navigate to the Templates folder: Templates are stored in Design Studio > Emails > Templates folder
  3. Create a template: Right click on the Templates folder. Select "New Email Template" from the menu.
  4. Name and describe it: Provide a name and description for the template so others can easily find it. Click Create
  5. Use Marketo Template Syntax: Follow the documentation. Make areas editable and add modules to make the template as flexible as possible.
  6. Paste the entire email code in: You'll see an editor with starter code. Select all and replace it with the email code.
  7. Approve it: Approving it makes it available to choose when creating an email. Click Email Template Actions in the menu. Choose Approve and Close. This turns the draft into an approved template.